all about bex

hi! my name is rebekah, but you can call me bex.

I was born in Great Lakes, Illinois, and raised in Moyock, North Carolina.

When I was ten years old I was cast as a napkin in Beauty and the Beast and got to chase my oldest brother across the stage during the fight… that was the beginning of the end.

Although theatre was just a way to copy my brother at first, it quickly blossomed into a passion I knew I’d pursue for the rest of my life.

I have since graduated from East Carolina University with a BFA in both Musical Theatre and Professional Acting.

I have three extremely needy cats and the same passion I found as a kid, but bigger, brighter, and gayer.

I relocated to New York City in August, and I am thrilled to see where life takes me!

some personal favorites…

Favorite Musicals: Waitress by Jessie Nelson and Sara Bareilles + Head Over Heels by Jeff Whitty and James Magruder

Favorite Plays: Stop Kiss by Diana Son + Cardboard Piano by Hansol Jung

Favorite Books: Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Favorite Movies: Pitch Perfect + Senior Year

Favorite TV Shows: A League of Their Own + Crazy Ex Girlfriend

Favorite Artists: YEBBA, Sara Bareilles, Taylor Swift, + Sammy Rae and the Friends

Favorite Color: Green!

Favorite Hobbies: Jewelry Making, Content Creation, Drawing, + Reading

so… you’ll have your people call my people?